
God Woot: Whispering Shepherd

I wrote this morning's meditation about how God whispers to us, "The still, small voice of God."  (I Need to Unplug)  The way I typically roll on these things is that I write them at any point throughout the day and schedule them to post early the following morning.  That way, they're sure to come through each morning without delay - just in case I get distracted and don't get the meditation written before late at night.  ;)

Anyway, I read at least two devotionals each morning.  Currently they are Joyce Meyer's New Day, New You, and Letting God - Christian Meditations for Recovery, by Episcopal Priest A. Philip Parham.  This morning I wrote my meditation before reading Letting God.  Then I got what I call a big smile from God.

The last few days of Letting God have focused on Psalm 23 verse by verse.  Today it was verse 23:3a, "...he restores my soul."  Parham must have had a vision back in 1987 about my morning reflection today:

"If we watch the sheep in a pasture, we will see them do an interesting thing.  Sometime during the day, each sheep, entirely on its own, leaves the flock and trots over to the shepherd, one at a time.  The shepherd tenderly caresses the nose and ears, rubs the neck and head, and whispers in its ear.  Calmed, encouraged and reassured, the sheep goes back to graze with the rest."
(Parham, Letting God, August 24, italics mine)

WOW.  :D   

There is no such thing as coincidence.  God wanted to make a point to me today.  I'm not taking enough time away from my daily distractions to be with him.

While in treatment, I lived without my cell phone, and without any internet outside of gmail, for 30 days.  While I spent most of my day in different groups and meetings, I made use of the hours outside of that to be in community with the women around me and to spend quiet time with just me and God.  I did a lot of praying, had many spiritual conversations, constantly stuck my nose in the Good Book, and I learned how to be still.  And God comforted me.

In the real world, I have the distractions of cell phone and internet readily at my fingertips.  I can honestly say that I didn't follow through on my plan to return to them with moderation.  I make excuses to myself, "But it's good, I'm writing daily meditations."  "But it's good, I'm job searching."  "But I need to send these emails."  Okay, that's all fine and good, but what about checking in on twitter and facebook throughout the day to see if anyone has commented or if anyone new is following me on twitter?  Good grief!  I'm losing sight of the reasons I started all of this.  It's not about me.  It doesn't matter if anyone follows, comments or even reads what I put out there.  If God wants to use me to reach someone, awesome, but I don't need to be looking for who that someone is.

So I'm making a schedule and setting some rules for myself.  I will learn moderation regardless of how long it takes.  Each day is a new day, and today I will make a change.  Even if it's a small one.

And I'll trot over to my shepherd, and he will comfort me.


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